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The Battalion, the student newspaper at Texas A&M University since 1893, is a forum for student expression, which serves the University community by accurately and fairly reporting the news of the day and by developing informed opinions regarding issues of interest to Battalion readers.


The Battalion and trains students in news journalism by setting high standards and by providing the resources and guidance to reach those standards. All content is written, edited and produced by students. The publication offers excellent opportunities to gain valuable experience for journalistic and related careers. Participation is not limited to any course of study for classification, but open to all interested students. Student editors and other staff members receive salaries commensurate with their duties and responsibilities.


The Battalion is published Monday through Thursday during fall and spring semesters, and will print once month in the summer session. It is distributed to students, faculty and staff on campus and at many apartments and other high traffic areas in College Station.

This website was designed by Sports Editor Angel Franco

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